Franchise coordinator

Taylor Higgins

From avid customer to customer service warrior, Taylor is the voice of Lucky Goat and our representative for online orders, fundraisers, and donations. Taylor started working for us in 2023 and made the switch into the coffee industry from parallel customer service roles.

Originally from Perry, Florida, Taylor spends her time off being an amazing mom to her kids, exploring new places, hiking, cooking, and practicing her photography skills. Taylor is a Cold Brew lover and prefers a Snowflake Crunch Luckyccino, but when it's not in season, any flavor will do!

The next time you have a Lucky Goat question or want to set up a fundraiser, Taylor is your go-to girl!



Theme Song:

"Don’t Stop Believing"
- Journey

The Moment You Knew You Loved Coffee:

When I was 6 or 7 my grandmother let me have a cup of coffee in a fancy little mug, and I remember feeling so grown up. From that moment on, I knew I loved coffee.

Motivated by:

My babies